Kodak HC-110 Stand Development
So, I’ve been researching more stand development recipes and came across a few posts using HC-110. So, tonight I decided to use the following recipe to develop R027. I will scan and post some examples tomorrow.
- Presoak at 20c for 4 min
- Kodak HC-110 1:119. I mixed 595ml distilled water with 5ml HC-110.
- Develop for 45 minutes at 20c agitating for the first minute. Let stand the remaining of the time.
- Rinse w/ water for 30 seconds
- Fix with TF-5 for 5 minutes. Agitate first minute then agitate every minute for 10 seconds
- Rinse with water. I use tap.
- Dump water
- Rinse with distilled water for 30 seconds.